By: Ted Nugent
They don’t call me the Motor City Madman because I bite my tongue. As a free man who has an overabundance of good old American defiance and freedom attitude coursing through my veins due to the lessons learned from hanging out with heroes of the U.S. military who remind me daily that freedom is not free, I let it rip loud, proud and often.
Heavily armed with whatever media bully pulpit I can muster, I exercise my First Amendment rights like my hero Rosa Parks who refused to sit at the back of the bus when that numb-nut law existed. I’m Rosa Parks with a Gibson.
Free speech rocks. The right to express our concerns and criticize Fedzillacrats and other power abusers is a basic and fundamental God-given individual right of a free people. As much as I encourage Americans to arm themselves against bug-eyed lunatics and various other paroled vermin walking the streets, I also encourage Americans to speak up and express themselves often. The First and Second Amendments go hand in hand.
As a self-made man who bows down to no man or institution, my free speech is a veritable G.E. Minigun of truth and common sense that mows down liars, socialists and other anti-American vermin with a high capacity magazine full of facts, confirmed evidence, self-evident truths and real world logic.
Not so surprising to me or anyone else who is actually paying attention, many of our universities are intellectually poisonous dens of collectivists, socialists and Marxist vipers.
In the latest example of intellectual dishonesty, David Guth, a University of Kansas journalism professor, tweeted after the Washington, D.C., Naval Yard shooting that, “The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you.”
For that irresponsible, idiotic, vile and dunderheaded tweet, Guth got booted out of the classroom for 2013.
While Guth’s shrill tweet shows his thunderously dumb anti-gun bias, it doesn’t appear he tweeted it while on the clock at the University of Kansas.
As a full-time First Amendment addict, the issue is about Guth’s right to show how incredibly and disconnected and ignorant he is. So long as Guth tweets or blogs on his own time and does not use taxpayer university resources to advance his brain-dead leftist views, I believe we must err on the side of his free speech rights.
Free speech can get dirty, callous and ugly. Indeed, there are limits to free speech, but we should always err on the side of free speech before muzzling speech and silencing people.
Guth has a right to believe his nonsense. Kansas University students also have the right to refuse to take his Joseph Goebbels 101 propaganda ministry classes and actually learn something of worth and merit.
The best thing about free speech is that we will know exactly where someone stands so we can make educated judgment calls on his personal integrity or lack thereof.